Rachel McMillan (Harvest House)
Dream, Plan, and Go
Dream, Plan, and Go Adventure Journal
Very Merry Holiday Movie Guide, A
How to Deal with How You Feel
The God Who Hears
Denise J. Hughes (Harvest House)
Word Writers: Ephesians
Word Writers: James
Pam Farrel, Jean E. Jones, and Karla Dornacher (Harvest House)
Word Writers: James
Word Writers: Philippians
Hope Lyda (Harvest House)
Life as a Prayer
One-Minute-Prayers for Moms
Prayers to Unwind Your Mind
Discovering Good News in John
Discovering Hope in the Psalms
Discovering Wisdom in Proverbs
Kathi Lipp and Cheri Gregory (Harvest House)
You Don't Have to Try So Hard
Jeff Manion (Zondervan)
Dream Big, Think Small
Lincee Ray (Revell)
Why I Hate Green Beans
It's a Love Story
Winning At Home
Journeying with Pain by Alan Seaborn
Five Years Later by Alan Seaborn
Marriage on Purpose by Dan Seaborn, Dr. Peter Newhouse, and Alan Seaborn
Prescriptions for Healthy Relationships by Dr. Peter Newhouse
Jonathan and Wynter Pitts (Harvest House)
Emptied by Wynter and Jonathan Pitts
God’s Truth for God’s Girls by Wynter Pitts
Sally Burke and Cyndie Claypool de Neve (Harvest House)
Unshaken Study Guide
James DeVries
Christ-Centered Leadership at Work (Rick Sessoms coauthor)
God Spoke, and It Was So
Dr. Tony Evans (Harvest House)
Experiencing the Power of the Trinity
Kingdom Heroes
Kingdom Heroes Workbook
Living as an Overcomer
Living as an Overcomer Workbook
Motivational Devotionals for Men
Power of the Holy Spirit's Names, The
Power of the Holy Spirit's Names Workbook, The
Prayers for Knowing God
Praying Like a Kingdom Hero
Praying Through the Names of the Holy Spirit
Other books by various authors (alphabetical by title):
Christian Living and Thought;
General Nonfiction; Humor
Romance Challenge by Sharon Jaynes
(Harvest House)
Ask the Family Doctor by Robert Alexander, MD, and and Robert Lesslie, MD (Harvest House)
Bellowing of Cain, The by Jeremy Gordon Grinnell (St. Asinus Publishing)
Be Uncommon by John Mason (Revell)
Body of Proof by Jeremiah J. Johnston (Bethany House Publishers)
Brain Washed by Manny Arango (Bethany House Publishers)
Moms, Brave Kids by Lee Nienhuis
(Harvest House)
Brazen by Leeana Tankersley (Revell)
a Star by Tamika Catchings with Ken
Peterson (Revell)
Marriage by Debra Fileta (Harvest
from Beginning to End by Trent Hunter
and Stephen Wellum (Zondervan)
Christian Entrepreneur, The by Brock Shinen (Bethany House Publishers)
Culture Shock by Chip Ingram (Baker)
Culture Shock by Chip Ingram (Baker)
but Living by Ray Sammons
Waters by Denise J. Hughes (Harvest
Defy the Odds by Benny Tate with Brittany McKneely (Harvest House)
Disciple Them Like Jesus by Barrett Johnson (Bethany House)
Generosity, A by Mac Pier (Baker)
Dream Brave by Wai Jia Tam (Chosen Books)
Field Guide for Small Group Leaders (rev. ed.) by Sam O'Neal (HarperCollins Christian Publishing/Thomas Nelson)
Five-Minute Devotions for Men by Bob Barmes (Harvest House)
Series by Barna Group (multiple
volumes) (Zondervan)
to Believe by Kathy Mosier
From Seed to Table by Diane Devereaux, The Canning Diva® (Harvest House)
Gift of the Unexpected, The by Jillian Benfield (Bethany House): Finalist for 2024 Christian Book Award: "New Author"
God's Best-Kept Secret by Mark Maudling (Baker)
Healing for Every Heart in Adoption by Betsy S. Kylstra, Lisa C. Qualls, and Jodi Jackson Tucker (Chosen Books)
Healing for Every Heart in Adoption by Betsy S. Kylstra, Lisa C. Qualls, and Jodi Jackson Tucker (Chosen Books)
God by Nathan Finochio
Hustle by Crystal Stine (Harvest
Hope after Church Hurt by Joe Dobbins (Chosen Books)
of My Heart, The by Callie Smith
Grant (Revell)
How to
Be a Christian without Going to Church by
Kelly Bean (Baker)
How to
Live in Fear by Lance Hahn (Thomas
Rather Be Reading by Anne Bogel
(Modern Mrs. Darcy) (Baker)
In Over Your Head: Creating Balance and
Finding Peace in the Busy by Susie Larson
(Harvest House)
Is Jesus Worth It? by Stacey Thacker (Harvest House)
Not Too Late by Dan Dupee (Baker)
Journey Together by David Hawkins (Harvest House)
Key Ideas Bible Handbook by Ron Rhodes (Harvest House)
Key Ideas Bible Handbook by Ron Rhodes (Harvest House)
Let's Talk by Michelle Watson (Bethany House Publishers)
Living with Hope by Michael Panther
Living with Hope by Michael Panther
My Actual Life by Alexandra
Kuykendall (Baker)
and Match Mama Eats by Shay Shull
(Harvest House)
Important Stories of the Bible, The by
Christopher Hudson and Stan Campbell (Bethany House)
Nine Words from Jesus by Chuck Tate (Chosen Books)
Your Parents by Grant and Tammy
Ethridge (Harvest House)
Dad, The by Rob Stinnet (Harvest
Complex by Jason Wiedel
Prayer by Dennis F. Kinlaw (Warner Press)
for Life by Richard Furman, MD
(Winning at Home)
by Jordan Lee Dooley
Raising Amazing by Monica Swanson (HarperCollins Christian Publishing/Zondervan)
Raising Prophetic Kids by Debra Giles (Chosen Books)
Uncommon Kids by Sami Cone (Baker)
and Little Buddy by Sandi Swiridoff
with Wendy Dunham (Harvest House)
Romance by Rhonda Stoppe (Harvest
All Things by John Stonestreet and
Warren Cole Smith (Baker)
Science of the Good Samaritan, The by Dr. Emily Smith (HarperCollins Christian Publishing/Zondervan)
Money Types, The by Tommy
Brown (Zondervan)
She Prays by Debbie Lindell (Revell)
Shiny Things by Amanda Bacon and Anne-Renee Gumley (Harvest House)
Shiny Things by Amanda Bacon and Anne-Renee Gumley (Harvest House)
Tuesday by Emily P. Freeman (Revell)
Soul-Deep Beauty by Melissa Johnson (Bethany House Publishers)
Speak by Nish Weiseth (Zondervan)
Life Hacks by Len Woods (Harvest
Stay Here by Jacob Coyne (Chosen Books)
in the Middle by Ryan May
Supernatural by Dr. Michael Heiser (Somersault)
Henry by Erin Taylor Young (Revell)
on Your Brain by Dr. Caroline Leaf
Hold of the Faith You Long For by
Sharon Jaynes (Harvest House)
Bible Knowledge Challenge, The by Stan
Toler, general editor (Harvest House)
Unafraid by Carey Scott (Barbour)
Unburdened by Vance Pitman (Baker)
Unquenchable by Carol Kent (Zondervan)
Unquenchable by Carol Kent (Zondervan)
What They Taught Me by Kelsey Chapman (Harvest House)
Grace Walks In by Stacey Thacker
(Harvest House)
Code, The by Sophia A. Nelson
of Valor by Marilynn Chadwick
(Harvest House)
Battle for Grace, A by Cheryl
Brodersen (Harvest House)
Your Blood Sugar Battle by Dr.
Richard Furman (Baker)
Work Worth Doing by Tom Heetderks (Harvest House)
Memoir or Inspiration
Days for Life by David Bereit
and Shawn Carney with Cindy Lambert (Somersault)
of the Game, Revised and Updated
Edition by Pat Williams with Jim Denney (Revell)
All for Jesus (abridged) by Wesley L. Duewel, editors Dr. David Dick and Mrs. Hilda Duewel (Francis Asbury Press)
By Any
Means by Phillip Smart
Dog by M.R. Wells (Harvest House)
Letters, The by Amber C. Haines and
Seth Haines (Revell)
My Hair-Raising and Heartwarming Adventures as a Pet Sitter by Christi Grace
She Is Mine: A War Orphan's Incredible Journey of Survival by Stephanie Fast (Somersault)
She Is Mine: A War Orphan's Incredible Journey of Survival by Stephanie Fast (Somersault)
Santa Claus Chronicles, The by Dan Short with Renee Gutteridge (Harvest House)
Unexpected Conversations by Helen Sunday (Somersault)
Unexpected Conversations by Helen Sunday (Somersault)
Wore Pink, The by Robyn Dykstra
Bondage Breaker Devotional, The by Neil T. Anderson (Harvest House)Geek and Ye Shall Find by Ellen Elliott (Harvest House)
Hugs for Single Moms by Sandra
Aldrich (Revell)
Known and Loved by Caryn Riva (Revell)
Once-A-Day: Nurturing Great Kids Devotional by Dan Seaborn (Zondervan)
Once-A-Day: Worship and Praise Devotional (Zondervan)
One-Minute Prayers for Dads by Nick Harrison
Pink Toolbelt Devotional, The by Mary C. Dodd (Somersault)
Prayers and Promises for a Hurting World by Laura Freudig (Barbour)
Known and Loved by Caryn Riva (Revell)
Once-A-Day: Nurturing Great Kids Devotional by Dan Seaborn (Zondervan)
Once-A-Day: Worship and Praise Devotional (Zondervan)
One-Minute Prayers for Dads by Nick Harrison
Pink Toolbelt Devotional, The by Mary C. Dodd (Somersault)
Prayers and Promises for a Hurting World by Laura Freudig (Barbour)
Prays by Jessica English (Baker)
Minutes in the Bible for Those Who Hurt by
Boyd Bailey (Harvest House)
Minutes in the Bible for Women by Shana
Schutte with Boyd Bailey (Harvest House)
Zip It! by Karen Ehman (Zondervan)
Our Presidents Rock! by Juliette Turner (Zonderkidz)
Speak Love by Annie Downs (Zonderkidz)
You Matter by Marilee Parrish (Barbour)
Redefining Leadership: Character-Driven Habits of Effective Leaders by Joseph M. Stowell (Zondervan)
Zip It! by Karen Ehman (Zondervan)
Young Adult and Children's Non-Fiction
52 Weeks with Jesus for Kids by James Merritt (Harvest House)Our Presidents Rock! by Juliette Turner (Zonderkidz)
Speak Love by Annie Downs (Zonderkidz)
You Matter by Marilee Parrish (Barbour)
Church & Ministry
Connected Church 2.0, The by Randy Frazee (Zondervan)Redefining Leadership: Character-Driven Habits of Effective Leaders by Joseph M. Stowell (Zondervan)
C Factor, The by Patrick McLaughlin (The Timothy Group)Major Donor Game Plan by Patrick McLaughlin (The Timothy Group)
Bible Notes and Bible Devotionals
NIV Lifehacks Bible (Zondervan)NIV Hope in the Mourning Bible (Zondervan)
David Jeremiah Study Bible, The (one of several editors) (Worthy)
NIV Homeschool Mom's Bible (Zondervan)
NIV Bible for Women (Zondervan)
photo image: https://publicdomainpictures.net/en/view-image.php?image=168321&picture=suitcase-and-books